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The International Vocational Education and Training Association (IVETA) East and West African Region in Collaboration with the University of Nigeria, Nsukka UNEVOC Centre, invite for an E-CONFERENCE
Date: Thursday 1st July and Friday 2nd July, 2021
Opening Ceremony: Thursday 1st July, 2021
Host: Igberadja Serumu, Vice President, IVETA, East and West African Region
The migration of TVET from a second to a first-class education needs to be sustained by delivering skills, knowledge and competence that makes a difference and serve global purposes. The right skills for the right roles, for employment and self-reliance, should be ensured. The creation of a workforce with high productivity and competitiveness in the global economy is paramount. |
Thems for the conference
- TVET for Global Skills/Jobs
- TVET and Innovations
- Innovations in horticulture for global impact
- Innovations in Crop science
- Modern Extension services
- Innovations in Accounting
- Current development in Bookkeeping
- Innovations in Marketing
- Developments in office practice
- Robotics and its global impact
- Innovations in Software development
- Innovations in Hardware maintenance
- Innovations in Networking
- Innovations in global Security
- Innovations in child development
- Innovative Fashions and developments.
- Clothing construction
- Currents trends in fabrics production
- New approaches to nutrition and dietetics
- Food engineering
- Hotel management
- Tourism development in modern society.
- Innovations in cosmetology
- interior and exterior decorations
- Developments in housekeeping
- Innovations in building technology
- Innovations in woodwork technology
- Current trends in electronic technology
- New approaches in electrical technology
- Current trends in metalwork technology
- New approaches to auto-mechanics
- Technologies and innovations in pedagogy
- Contemporary issues in the Digitalization of TVET
- TVET and skills development
- Contemporary issues in TVET
- Distance learning in TVET
- Digital transformation of TVET
- Sustainable, innovative learning & teaching.
- Gender equality in TVET education.
- Quality assurance framework in TVET
- Greening education and entrepreneurship
- Strategic institutional planning in TVET
- TVET policy review.
Call for Abstracts
You must submit abstracts on or before 20th June 2021. Authors of accepted abstracts should submit soft copies of full papers of not more than 12 A4 pages (Font 12, Times New Roman, double line spacing) via the Conference email addresses by 29th June 2021.
Keynote Speakers
Area Sales Manager,
Lucas-Nulie GmbH, Germany
Adviser, NPTC Group of Colleges
Wales, United Kingdom
Consultant- CEIP
Professor Vitaly Kopnov
Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University.
President of the International Council for Education and Management (ICEM) Switzerland
Founder- National Skills
Network NSN, India
Views: 388